You'd think a quality car owned by a celebrity would be a rare commodity that at least someone would want to hold on to. But for some reason, no one wants to keep the Liquid Blue 2017 Ford GT owned by John Cena.

The professional wrestler sold his GT for the first time in August 2017. This caused a commotion in the industry after Ford sued Cena for breaking a legal agreement not to sell the vehicle until two years after purchase.

The vehicle was sold to another private party later on after the new owner was having back problems trying to enter and exit the vehicle. Not long after, the vehicle was sold again at the Russo and Steele auction in August 2018, only to sell it in October for a solid $200,000 less than they purchased it for.

Mecum is cooperating with Ford in this process, at least. The organization agreed to not sell any vehicles until at least two years after it's first delivery. That just so happens to be around May.

In all of this time, the GT only has a total of 635 miles on it, meaning most of these owners didn't even drive the poor thing.

Normally a vehicle going to auction isn't that interesting of news. But we are continually baffled by everyone's remorse towards purchasing the vehicle. What about it is making everyone want it until they have it? Maybe it smells weird on the inside.